inga species

Common Names: Guamo

A large leguminous tree used throughout the tropics for shade among the coffee and cocoa plantations. It reduces the evaporation during the dry season and helps in the fertilization of the land. It contains a large flat pod with sweet pulp surrounding the seed. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Alan’s Tropical Fruit Trees
Largo, FL

J.D. Andersen Nursery
Fallbrook, CA

Exotica Nursery Inc.
Vista, CA

Jene’s Tropicals
St Petersburg, FL

Roger & Shirley Meyer
Fountain Valley, CA

Pacific Tree Farms
Chula Vista, CA

Papaya Tree Nursery
Granada Hills, CA

Ben Poirier
Fallbrook, CA

Pacific Tropical Gardens
Keau’au, Hawaii

Montoso Gardens
Maricao, Puerto Rico